A legend for Maths resources

Created by Natalie one year ago

I remember working with Sue when I was at Nelson Thornes. In the early 2010s, she was part of a new author team working on new resources for Key Stage Maths (ages 11-14). I remember one of the other authors we'd brought into the team was truly starstruck to be anywhere near her, having been brought up using her books throughout her learning and career. It was amusing to see her almost blush in Sue's presence, but Sue wasn't fazed at all. 

Chandler and Bostock's work (with Linda Bostock) was legendary: they were real game changers for Maths resources. We were all amazed that she and Linda used their initials on their books as at that time the concern was that no one would have bought them if they knew they were written by women, so they were real trailblazers. I knew of many within the Maths world who assumed she was Steven Bostock. 

I always appreciated her openness to try something new but offering her wisdom at the same time. A real loss to the Maths community but she'll live on through her work and the many people who worked with her.

Natalie Williams